Monday, June 8, 2009

How to market forums?

Although forums have become one of the most favorite ways of interaction or presenting your views and experience, yet, the netizens are quite puzzled about the popularity of the particular forum. Because now-days-days while searching through the internet one gets to see thousands of forums based on various interesting topics, so the problem arises how to popularize your forum and attract good traffic. Well the answer is not too simple as it seems, there can be numerous ways of marketing your forum. The most popular one is to start with some good write-ups on one’s website and then invite the users to comment on the write ups or their views whether they agree or not with whatever the writer wanted to say. This foremost step is followed by more tiresome process of answering each and every comment personally, so that it opens up the discussion theme and slowly more people starts responding to the articles and simultaneously presenting other views too. Another way is to form multiple mail ids and then providing the link of your forum on the mail and invite your chat friends or your colleagues to join the forum.

There is yet another approach by which one can make his/her forum popular that is to use some hot or current topics and convert them in to links. So every time the user searches for the topic on any search engine, your topic too will be shown in search results and might very easily attract the user to at least go through the forum once. A last and most probably the best and easier method will be off course the mouth-to-mouth publicity. As the more you discuss about your forum within your group, people will come to know about it better. So make your forum popular through these methods and divert as much as traffic towards it, because that’s the only way one can popularize their thinking and connect with like minded people.